Sunday, November 30, 2008
My anak2 BuaHz....
Since dah bosan takleh tdo...bolehla nak update mende ngengarut dalam blog nak share sume pic ngan my niece n nephew...eventho kitowang still single mingle lagi..herm..i mean..yerla..still takder baby..but we still tak sunyi oke..coz da biase ber'anak pinak...waaaa...bunyik cam hebat jer..ala..aper nak kesah...anak buah kan ramai..sebut jer nak gi mane..berduyun tiba...oke2...mlas nak hemo2..just layanz....
nih time nak balik kg mase baru2 kawen..nak kenalkan my hubby kat makcik2...tuh budax kecix tuh selalu jer nak ngekor...
da sampai kat kampung nan menghijau...waaaa...terangkat skirt budax tecit nih..mase nih adix dier tak follow..padahal da siap2 da pon..ntah nape tetibe tanak gi...
tadi ngan budax kecik..nih budak besar lak..along aqil..dulu kecik2 comel sangat..pic nih kat airport antar parents gi umrah awal taun dulu...
ngan aupha n eby kerex...time nih c aupha nak lak dukung kat my asben...angin dier baik sebab kitowang kasik umpan enpon..eheheheh
ini iqbal...kat umah nakal giler..kalo dier ikot kitowang jalan..kemain la hemah dan solehah..diam jer..tapi kalo lapar sound direct.."jot..alang nak nasik"..mee ker mihun ker mekdi ker dier taklayan.."mane kenyanggg...."
uswatul insyirah c rambut kerinting...nih baru balik kenduri..lepak kedai jab sebab si kembar tetibe lapar..tgk la insyi sedey jer ..berebut baby chair ngan akak dier...
uswatul awatif yang giler manja...nak2 agi ngan hubby...aper dier nak sume dapat..tgk tuh pose ngan uncle dier...sweet sangat...
ni awa c kurus kering....dahla tak suke makan...mase ni jejalan kat lumut..carik satay ikan n sotong sume tuh..
alalala...comelnyer peluk bahu uncle...
si alang ader sport day..sebelah tuh adik dier uzma batrisha..mase nih kitowang lepax umah my bro...b4 balik teman c iqbal dulu..tgk dier lumba larii...tapi y tak best panas giler...
tadaaa.....i grup pic b4 kuar..dowang lepax tdo kat umah..main makeup2 la..wat2 rambut..best2..
muke inesen baik2 belaka..for info awa n klong tuh same age oke..tapi yg sorang sangat kurus..satu lagi extra debab plak..but dua2 pon bijak bangatt...
Pic banyak nih pon nak kene upload berjam....sabar jer la haku...act ader lagi nak tunjuk..tapi tak larat dah nak tunggu...time kasih la maxiz broadband....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
mY BRo in LaW's WEddinG..
the pengantin n the pelamin...
me..bro in law..the 'biras' n hubby after nikah ceremony
ngan my adix iparWednesday, November 19, 2008
veRy oLD scHooL...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tadi engaged ngan widy..citer sal preparation kawen dier pas raya aji sweet..sorang2 kawan nak kawin..n sowang2 preggy...seronok kan..tak sabar nak gi wedding wied..nak huha2 ngan kawan2 lama..bestnyerrr...
Wedg Picz...
Me still tak share pic kawen lagi kan..last post bout wedding pic ngan baju outdoor photoshoot kan..haaa...yang nih lacnak share pic reception kat my side..kitowang pake kaler merah..walaaa...kaler yang jarang orang nak gune..tak kesah la..orang tanak gune suke ati kowang suke nak pakai..suke ati jugak la kan...yg penting sendiri puas ati..
Biler ingat2 balik kan..act aper yang dirancang tak la semua dapat..dalam 60% camtu la yg dapat dlaksanakan..yg other 40% tuh fail sebab orang len wat hal n also my fault sebab x well-planned..takperla..wat past is past..janji sang suami isteri dah selamat dimakbulkan..dah 8 bulan ponnn..another 4 months nak celebrate anniversary..can't wait.....
Act ader banyak pic nak share lagi..but nih jer yang ader kat pc opis nih..yang len2 dalam harddrive kat umah..nenanti kay...
Lately nih da macam penin nak carik tudung nak pakai hari2..i need changes selalu poyo2 tanak pakai tudung yang orang lain pakai..which i tak bape suke kalo pakai something yg same cam orang lain..konon nak different la sangat..hermph..act memang takleh lari pon..tudung kat sini tak banyak choice..lagipon me bukan artis..terpaksa la pakai aper yang ader.. kuikuikui...
Kalo kowang memang pemakai or penggemar tudung..mesti tau tudung kat atas tuh tudung aper..sejak kebelakangan nih minat betul nak pakai tudung ariani..macam comel lak biler selalu tgk bakal isteri sang artis yang dulu hot tapi skang dah ala2 sejuk gitew pakai tudung camtu...although tak minat kat artis n future wife dier tuh..but still suke tudung yg dier terletak jer...lagipon dis sunday my bro in law kawen..n me tak carik tudung pon lagi..tak nyempat2..rase cam nak gi situe jer kan pas balik keje esok or my kebaya pon ader combination black n peach(light jingga) cam best jer join ngan tudung iteww...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Mule tuh mase kuar umah..jalan oke me ikot satu jalan baru jer lalu atas flyover tuh..walo dier cam berpusing kert tapi cepat jer sampai kat jalan satu lagi..kalo ikot bawah kene berebut n lalu traffic light..act flyover tuh baru sangat2..tak ramai yg tau..rase cam puas jer lalu situ sambil tersenyum bangga..'aku dah sampai dulu..ekekeke'..
Then masuk jalan gombak pon me ikot shortcut gak..walllaaah...senyum bangga lagi..tapi alkisahnyer kalo dah suke2 sangat mesti sedih...jalan jam pastu..huwaaaaa..hangin jer..patot kat situ 2-3 minit jer..yang nih kene tunggu dekat 20minit...pelik giler..nape jam nih..dah la nak dekat cuti last jalan jugak...ooooo..patotla jam..ader accident..
Please la all drivers..jangan la menyumbang ke kekesakan..please..please..please b extra careful..kalo accident tuh tak ganggu orang lain..takper..inih..menyusahkan sume orang..sape tak sakit ati..yang nak cepat jadi lambat..yang kene kejar pape..terpaksa la yang patot leh sampai b4 8..langsung la lambat..menciiiiikkkkk sangat2..
But apepon..kene la bersyukur..sebab da sampai pon kat opis..alhamdulillah...:)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Demam Urat SaraF...
I'm LovinG iT...!!!
1) Chocolate
Makanan paling mudah nak dapat kat supermarket..n semestinyer..CADBURY...
Chocolate nih selain memberi tenaga..dier pon leh merubah mood kowang tau..tak caya cuba la..time2 tengah hangin tak tentu pasal..rase nak maghah jer walo takder sape wat salah..makan la choc..nanti akan ader rase best sangat dalam diri kowang..siyes..tak caya..try ar...
2) Oreo
Waaa...nak kene terang ever favourite biscuit...suke nyer..walopon sangat lah tak sihat oke..menggemukkan..banyak kalori..ecetra..ecetra..tak kesah la...janji sedap..n me bukan makan hari2 pon..satu keping jer seari..:p
3) Nata De Coco
Nih pon tak sihat gak..i noe that..tapi nak wat camne..dah akan beli satu brand jer n satu rase..other than that..nope..flavor adalah mangga...sedap..nih kire makanan untuk dkunyah time2 tgk tv la..rasa cam chewy2 gitew..
4) Nutella
Nih pon mesti selalu ader..sebab kalo tetibe lapar time malam..inila yang disapu ker atas roti gardenia..pastu kalo tak kenyang pas makan nasik pon..makan mende nih gak..selain mengejangkan..ia sangat sedap..dulu kat kolej..stok nih tak penah takder...harus la sebab ini la bpes paling best..:)
5) Vitagen budak2 jer pon suke vitagen gak..but only apple, orange n grape ajer..yang kaler putih tuh..tidakla akan ku minum..sangat susu rasenyer..also yang no sugar..dun like la....
*aduhai..manyak lagi nak update nih tapi 2be continued la asben da balik dan saya dah ngantok..blogging sebab asben takder..saya takleh tdo kalo seorang diri..ngeh..ngeh..tahan mata nih..nx time update agi...tadaa....*
Orange JuiCe...!!!
Dedullu suke nih..Marigold Peel Fresh:
Pastu konon2 try nih plak..Tropicana Twister.. Hermph..just not my taste..manis lebey gula dari jus...
Lately nih suke yg ini plak... Sunkist...sedap..suke..suke sangat..nih da kire wajib wajib ader dalam freezer selalu...luv it..
*malas nak carik pic packaging dier..ini jer yg sempat jumper*
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Baju KurunG...
Citer sal baju kurung..baju yang me tengah pakai sekang nih jer la baju kurung terakhir yang ader…ekekek..tu pon beli ready made.. 2taun kebelakangan nih, me jarang beli kain untuk wat baju kurung..sebab kos tempah yang mahal kat my place..sepasang baju kurung for 45-60 ringgit oke..mahal kan..for me..mahal la sebab ianya hanye baju kurung yang rasenyer kalo dah tukang jahit..tak susah la nak jahit..
Sebab tu lately ni kalo nak tempah baju..mesti either kebaya or kurung moden..lagi berbaloi kan… Tapi dah dua taun raya..beli baju ready made jer sebab last minute shopping..eehhehehe.. tapi biasela kalo dah nama nyer ready made..ader la here n there yang tak best..tak la terletak sangat2 kat badan kan..tapi oke la…asalkan selesa n cantik di pandangan mata….
So next year, me berazam untuk berbaju raya sakan..lagipon taun depan is my turn..raya umah mak sendiri..harusla beli kain siap2 n antar tailor seawall mungkin…hehehehe..n rasenyer jugak da lama tak wat kaler2 comei cam pink n purple…cukup2 la kaler merah…waaa…raya aji pon belum..da berangan pasal raya aidilfitri..pose pon tak ganti lagi..uhuhuuhhu..
Demam DenGGi...
Monday, November 3, 2008
New Fraud Tactics...!!
FYI...and worth taking note......
Someone shared the following cases :
(1) Today I passed by a building which has an ATM machine. There was an old man looking at me. Suddenly, he called me. He said he didn't know how to read, so he gave me his ATM card and asked me to help him withdraw money from the ATM machine. I answerd 'NO!! If you need help, ask the security to help you.' Then he said 'nevermind..' and continued to find other people to help him...
REMEMBER : ATM machines have CCTVs. If you help him he will later claim that you have robbed him or stolen his ATM card. Besides, his ATM card could be a stolen one. So please be careful of these tactics.
(2) Suddenly your house lights go off. From your window you find that your neighbours still have lights. So you go out of your house to check the
Meter Box. But once you open the door, a knife will be pointing at you and preventing you from closing it. This is when you will be robbed and
REMEMBER : Even though your electricity suddenly goes off, DO NOT open your door immediately. Look around to see if there is anything unusual or if there is any noise around.
(3) This is another incident. You may have heard it before, it is about a lady who she saw a kid crying by the roadside. When she spoke to the kid, the kid told her he was lost and wanted her to take him home. The kid even gave her a paper with his house address. So she took him home. But when she rang the door bell, she had an electric shock. Later when she woke up, she was naked in an empty room.
REMEMBER : Being such a compassionate and helpful person might not be a good thing these days. Pass this on and girls, please be careful..
(4) One day, there was an old lady outside my house holding 2 packets of sweets. At first I thought she was our neighbour and wanted to give us these packs of sweets as a gift. But then when she spoke, I can realised that she was foreigner. I could not understand what she was talking about. I guessed she must be asking for money.I sensed there was something wrong and immediately closed the door and ignored her. Later, I found she and an accomplice robbed someone else down the road.
(5) I was at the ATM machine to withdraw some money. Behind me, there was an old lady. She asked me whether I was able to withdraw my money because she said she had problem with her machine. Suddenly a small girl came up beside me. The small girl was squeezing infront of me. I thought she was just naughty and playful. But then, the small girl put her hand at the tray of the ATM machine where the money comes out, ready to take away my money. I sensed something wrong and immediately pushed her away. Later I realised that the small girl and the old lady worked together. She was trying to steal my money while the old lady was trying to distract my attention by asking me questions!
REMEMBER: BE VERY CAREFUL when you are at an ATM machine and be alert. Look out for anyone suspicious around you!
(6) My parents are retired and stay at home most days. One afternoon, a young stranger went to their house and said his motorcycle had no more petrol and the petrol station was too far for him to push his bike there. So he asked my parents for an empty coke bottle to buy some petrol. He said he will pay RM2 for the bottle. So my mum took one coke bottle for him. He really took out the money from his pocket, but it was a RM 100 note. He told my mum he had no small change and asked my mum to give him the change. Luckily my mum was smart. She just told him to take it for free.
REMEMBER : obviously that note is fake!! Who would want to pay for RM2 for an empty coke bottle!! It's very OBVIOUS that that stranger is a trickster.
(7) This happened in Bali . A newly married couple were having their honeymoon at the hotel. When both are in the changing room, the wife suddenly went missing. The husband was very anxious and went around to find her. He asked the hotel staff to help him find her. Then he thought his wife was just playing hide and seek. So he went back and waited for his wife. After a few hours, he decided to call the police. 3 weeks passed and there was still no news about his missing wife. So he went back and was very dissapointed and sad. A few years later, he came back to Bali , to watch a 'FREAK SHOW' in an old house. He saw a dirty and rusty metal cage. Inside there was a lady without limbs. Her body including the face was full of scars. When he had a closer look at her face, he was shocked to find that it was her missing wife put there as a means for begging.
(8) This happened in Shanghai . A few years ago, a lady reported to the police that her cousin sister was missing in the shopping complex. But after 5 years, one of her friends found her cousin sister begging at the road side one of the streets in Bangkok , Thailand . The worst thing is that her cousin sister has no more limbs and her body was tied to a lamp post with a shackle (metal)
(9) Let's just shorten this story. DO NOT open your house door when you hear the sound of a BABY CRYING!! It might be a trap! Women in the house must be alert to this trick. The police said it is the work of a robber or murderer using the recording of a baby crying to attract your attention. This normally happens at night and when you are alone in the house.
(10) I read an email that was sent by my friend. Her friend, known as A, went to Luo Hu Commercial City with 2 friends, B and C. Luo Hu Commercial City is the Shenzhen counterfeit goods distribution center. There are many people there. It's also near to the ShenZhen train station and Hong Kong's Luo Hu Port. C went to the toilet at the shpping centre while A and B waited outside. After waiting for a long, time they felt uneasy and went into the toilet to look for her. When they went in, there was nobody inside. Both were scared and they called C's phone. There was no reply. So they reported to the police. The police asked them whether they had seen anyboby suspicious going into the toilet. Both said there were none and its impossible to bring a life person out of the toilet without them noticing!. Then A remembered seeing a cleaner pushing a trolley in, and then coming out. The police told them that was not the 1st time such a thing happened. The police suspected a gang of criminals who were always attacking women in the the toilet of shopping complexes. They use cleaners to kidnap people to harvest their organs for sale.
REMEMBER : please be careful when using the toilet. Donot go to the wash room or toilet ALONE!! Please at least have a partner with you.
1 hour only....
Around 12.30 camtu kitowang gerak la..kene gi tukar baju melayu hubby kat bak tailor..size oke..just kaler baju tak sedondon ngan baju wife dier..nak tanak..rajin ke malas...kene ar kuar gak..kang ader yg majuk..ekekekek..
Tapi yang bestnyer..kitowang sampai area jalan tar kol 12.50 camtu*bagus sangat..jalan tak jam*..pastu park kat sogo*okela..tak susah sangat*..since me n hubby lame tak makan nasik ayam kat foodcourt atas tuh..sedap tau..kowang penah try tak..?murah jer..rm4.30..tapi sedap..kalo nak try order nasik ayam barbecue...
kitowang order extra ayam..ehehehe
sessi menggedix dalam lif...
Pas makan..around 1.25pm..kitowang trus rush gi kedai baju tuh..tukar jer..tunjuk resit n pilih color..dalam 5 minit jer dalam kedai tuh..pastu singgah kejap carik baju untuk tok hubby..ader la dalam 15minit pilih memilih..kejap kan*baju orang memang kejap..kalo sendiri punyer..sejam dua tuh konpem tak cukup,..ekeekke*..b4 gi kat keta..tingin aiskrim la plak...
Kitowang kuar dari parking betul2 pukul 2pm...nih on daway g keta la nih...
waaaa...korang teruja sangat tak caya..siap sume dalam mase sejam sajer..sempat menggedik lak tuh...wakakakaak...
konon garang...asyik pic senyum jer...